Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan - What allah rewards ?

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It is only when Allah (swt) revealed the Ayah, "O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that they may learn self restraint", (2: 183) fasting was made obligatory.

The reward of fasting for god

It is only when Allah (swt) revealed the Ayah, "O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as itSince fasting is an act of worship between the slave and the creator and no one knows about it but Allah, the reward is not as any reward for normal acts of worship. The only one who knows about the reward is Allah (swt). The Messenger (saw) says, telling about Allah, "Every act taken by the son of Adam is done for him except fasting, it is for me and I make the reward", (Bukhari) was prescribed to those before you, that they may learn self restraint", (2: 183) fasting was made obligatory.

A person fasting during ramadan stops sinning

The prophet (saw) said "Fasting is a shield. Thus while fasting you must not use foul language or act like those of ignorance (screaming, attacking others, etc), or speak loudly"
And fasting in ramadan is not only physical fasting or refraining from foods and drink. But in ramadan each and every part of our body observe fast. So a person is in fast protects himself from doing any bad things.

Special gate of jannah who fast during ramadan

Allah (swt) blesses those who fast and honors them, so much that He made a special gate in Al-Jannah. No one else uses this gate but them. The Messenger of Allah (saw) says, " There is a gate in Al-Jannah called Ar-Rayyan which those who fast enter from on the day of judgment. And no one else enters from it. Once they enter from it, it is closed, and nobody else enters from it." (Bukhari)

In ramadan gates of goodness are open and gates of evil are closed

For sure, the month of Ramadan is the best of months. Worship in this month is more rewarding than in other months. Upon the arrival of the month,
" The gates of Jannah and the Heavens are opened. The gates of hell are closed and devils are chained. " (Bukhari)
Chaining the devils means stopping the source of evil. Thus, it is no wonder that many people return to Allah in this month after going astray.

Previous sins will be forgiven if you are fasting for ramadan

It is enough incentive for the Muslims to hear the following hadith to rush into obedience of Allah, "Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan purely because of his faith and sincerity all of his/her previous sins will be forgiven."

Ramadan blessings in doing suhur

Surely, Suhur is sunnah. The Messenger (saw) said, " have Suhur, for in suhur there is blessing. " (Muslim)

It is also preferred to delay Suhur for the saying of the Messenger (saw), "my Ummah will be in good condition as long as they delay Suhur and rush in breaking fast" (Ahmed). In addition, Suhur is what differentiates our fast from that of the people of the book. The Prophet (saw) said, " the difference between our fast and that of the people of the book is the meal of Suhur." (Muslim).

Ramadan breaking fast due to travel or sickness

It is only the sickness, that fasting will delay its recovery or worsen it, that permits the person to break the fast. But, the one that is not affected by the fast is not a legitimate excuse. Also it is the allowed kind of travel that breaking fast is allowed in not the haram one.


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